Why in the modern world "Political Correctness" establishes a double standard and makes everyone some form of offender.
A no BS honest opinion of what this "Modern Standard" is doing to push "Modern Thinking" into a "New Taboo".
Imagine for a moment, if you will, that the clothes you are wearing THIS INSTANCE is offending SOMEONE...SOMEWHERE...else. Be it a man exposing the bottom of his shoe to the world (Some places in the middle east) or a woman showing ANY skin (you can connect the dots) these people are in violation of what the WORLD in general has dubbed taboo or "Politically Incorrect". Now keep imagining, don't stop, you are a minority (Religion, Race, Age, Culture, weight group, book club) and the Majority don't agree with how you live/practice/worship/eat (as long as no one is getting hurt in any way as to not infringe on your civil rights). Now imagine if the law and General Public Practice (Not the government but the people) is to Shame/Shun/Humiliate/Leave Dog Mess on your car hood/protest violently/Fire you/or worse because of your opinions. Don't stop imagining! Now imagine YOU part of the MAJORITY and you've been raised to think "People who do this and that are BAD! They will make you BAD! They will make your children BAD!" and you, being the GOOD person that you are, rally behind fighting these STRANGE and DIFFERENT.. BAD people must be stopped! For goodness sake! They eat red meat/plant matter/worship a different invisible friend/wear hats/have different skin despite all being from the same core genome... AMERICA!
The rule is something along the lines of "If the majority of the world frowns upon it, it's WRONG and shouldn't be said". The writer of this little opinion comes from is the United States of America which is SUPPOSED to be "The Model Western Free World" but the issue is not about Freedom but censorship of opinion due to "Offending Majorities and minorities". This stuff has become so rampant that people mocking modern day idiots, psychopaths and mishaps get punished by..wait for it...
Idiots en mass.
For doing nothing more than stating ones opinion and/or expressing themselves. We have to agree, some opinions are wrong, stupid, or just down right gross but the founding fathers of the United States intended for people to express their fears, woes, concerns, hatreds and likes. If you decide that someone's opinion is wrong or bad you can simply say it. Not everyone was "Raised" the same. Not everyone "Gets the stigma". Some people are raised the same and get the stigma and want to THROW their opinion in your face and that's what MOST of pop culture Media Entertainment consists of. We ALLOW people to stand by their race/color/creed to mock our own for some kind of Circular Logic based on history decades/centuries ago yet we don't hold the SAME people to the STANDARDS that we are meant to hold? If you want a few examples just look at our last two presidents or look at how WE respond to the terrorist attacks with Halloween costumes and they respond to that with BURNING THE FLAG AND AMERICAN HUMAN EFFIGIES.. oh but it's TOTALLY COOL FAMILY GUY DOES IT! What?
We can divert from the "Race/Culture" part of it because BLAZING SADDLES does it best. Let's talk about Political Correctness in the GENDER WORLD. We all know the statistics about women and men, structure for labor and structure for pain thresholds. Since man could shape clay and smear shit paintings on walls he has drawn or given the "Ideal shape of the now" for all to see. From Kings and Queens, Emperors and Empresses to Presidents and Prime Minsters... the jobs and responsibility works for both genders and BOTH are very able to do TERRIBLE things. What people are NOT acknowledging is the fact that in a MODERN TIME Dad can take care of the same things mom can and mom can do the same as dad.. or they can both work together on the same things. The problem comes into the scene when one or the other gender can't express themselves. Men in the modern world are seen as "The Breadwinner" or "Provider" where as women are still seen as home-maker. Case in point.. EVERY FIRST LADY (except maybe Hillary, she's still wearing the pants and got Bill's balls in a vice). Don't get me wrong there are MANY progressive women out there that are fighting HARD to change the view from "Baby Machine" to "GODDESS" and they NEED to be given our acknowledgement.... but the MAJORITY, sadly, are for keeping the world in order and free of chaos or powerful female figures because the "GOD'S A MAN AND THE SIN OF EVE CAST US ALL FROM PARADISE" mentality.
I should be allowed to say "That idiot is wrong and here is why!" and not have a bunch of fuckheads scream "You're a RACIST" when a valid point is made. When did America become Nazi Germany (Hitler's Germany, no correlation with modern day Germany and the territories within*) for saying facts I get a David's Star slapped on my chest and no one will hire me for making fun of the Status Quo? That's what it's like today... Where will it go? When will it STOP? How far will it turn back the use of "Minority Cards" and "Doublestandards"? Only time will tell once everyone SEES it.
I should be allowed to say "That idiot is wrong and here is why!" and not have a bunch of fuckheads scream "You're a RACIST" when a valid point is made. When did America become Nazi Germany (Hitler's Germany, no correlation with modern day Germany and the territories within*) for saying facts I get a David's Star slapped on my chest and no one will hire me for making fun of the Status Quo? That's what it's like today... Where will it go? When will it STOP? How far will it turn back the use of "Minority Cards" and "Doublestandards"? Only time will tell once everyone SEES it.