World of Warcraft: Why It's broken and One month from 1-90
First how to ding 90 in a month:Step 1. Scroll of Resurrection (If you have an old account/Cuts month down to 2 weeks).Step 2. Random Dungeons.Step 3. Get in a guild with XP Bonus.Step
4. Play Casual (Randoms rewards are HUGELY reduced since Cata).Step 5. World Quest.XP from World Quests have NOT been nerfed and with rested+Guild+BOA (Optional) bonuses.Step 6. Commit game time. You can't Willy Nilly it. You are PAYING to Play the game.
A quick opinion before we get to the good part:
I'd like to say I played since Vanilla...because I did. I had also played the beta when I had the time before it was even released. When I first played it was like "Everquest on Drugs" with various organizational features that EQ didn't have. Hell, EQ was just a really spiffy Meridian 59. So I have played it ALL. The issue that this all falls to is "What happened and why?" so I shall give you the answer I can grasp...
What happened?
World of Warcraft went through what most MMO game designers call "A Carebear Phase" where the game was made more friendly and less hostile or "More acceptable by modern standards". Parents saw the game and though "I'll let me KID play it" then when they saw sexy dancing Night Elves and blood sprays with every hit they FLIPPED (not to mention kids were complaining the game was "Too hard" and "not user friendly" due to the REQUIRED social interaction. So, during the "Vanilla"/Classic age of WoW the game was pulled at by 2 different consumers- The Kids and The Fans (I fell into the latter). The Kids and their parents demanded change if their money was to continue to be spent and the FANS just wanted the game to play well. So when "Burning Crusade" rolled around and the "Summoning Stones" got easier to use and "Dungeon Finder" was implemented and World Quests (The world of Warcraft itself) became obsolete when you could sit in your capital and wait for your timer to ding... huge loot, assured gold, higher drop rates, why go kill 4-20 animals for a quest when you can "Get the BLUES!" Still kids were using their parents credit cards and "Fans" were left to a crawl when it came to gearing up and trying to compare to "The kids" who only had school and maybe some homework where the adults were left to work, social life, and whatever they could devote to playing the game (While some would sacrifice Social AND Work time in some cases). Fast Forward to TODAY-People like Gold Farmers, Kids, and Hardcore players DOMINATE the game. Blizzard has set the system to work against people getting "Bursts of Upgrades" by limiting specific in-game currencies. This means the people who can afford the TIME to play for weeks and months on end will lord over the "Casuals" and despite the money spent on the game being the same the "Hardcore Players" are a more profitable group for Blizzard... this leads us to.
Blizzard has become the "Walt Disney" of PC games. While some of their games have become AMAZING franchises others have faded from the public eye (Death of Superman, Starcraft Ghost, Warcraft Legends, Untitled Games 1-18). They are a money making operation and have BUILT their income around milking the subscriptions for World of Warcraft. Games like Starcraft and Diablo are GREAT for anticipated income based on released and a sliding scale. So their bread is buttered by "Hardcore" players subscriptions and THEM bringing people in to play. World of Warcraft IS a great game but it is the PEOPLE you find who are either good or terrible (with little between) and with the advent of F2P and P4P (Pay for Premium).games cropping up everywhere it's no wonder that NEW Classic Style Tabletops are coming back!This also harkens to WoW becoming F2P and that sometime in the future they will have to adapt but the FEELING of the old game may never return.